EGSE accessories

Mains Isolation & Transformer Unit

The Mains Isolation & Transformer Unit (MITU) provides facility mains power insolation and power distribution within a simulator rack(s).
Clemessy has been delivering SCOEs with MITUs since many years, because in European space market this technology is used very often.

MITU brings the following benefits:

  • Galvanic isolation
  • Mains line EMC filter
  • Power line protection
  • Voltage and current display

Closer to our customer's needs

Clemessy has developed and expertise to identify core needs of the customer and order tailor made MITU’s from Europe’s leading manufacturer.

As a baseline, it provides a mains power isolation transformer (3-phases input to 3-phases or single phase outputs or single phase input to single phase output). The outputs are individually protected. MITU can be provided as standalone equipment or incorporated in a 19” SCOE cabinet.

The standalone equipment is mainly used in the frame of significant test facilities where the factorization of the main power isolation and power distribution can lead to significant cost saving w.r.t. the implementation of individual mains isolation and transformer units in each SCOE’s.

We offer the following options to improve usage of your MITU:

  • Front panel display of voltage and current
  • MITU embedded in mini easy transportable rack
  • Delivered in re-usable container
Mains isolation and distribution unit 16kVA front pannel
Mains isolation and distribution unit 2kVA front view